Title | Description | Department | Internal Webpage URL | External URL | File |
Complaint or Commendation |
Customers, such as you, are valuable eyes and ears for our community and its Sheriff’s Office. We respect your input, both good and bad. Whenever you see Sheriff’s Office employee actions which you believe we should be aware of, please report those to us. The Sheriff’s Office does accept anonymous information, but we would prefer you provide us with your identity. Anonymous reports are investigated only to the extent which the information allows; which may not be satisfactory to you or the Office. We strive to complete complaint investigations promptly. When the investigation is completed, you will be notified of the outcome. |
Sheriff’s Office | File about the Complaint or Commendation. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Protest Form |
Payment of Taxes Under Protest. Fill out the form and submit to Flathead County Treasurer |
Tax | File about the Protest Form. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Alternative Payment Schedule for Primary Residences |
IMPORTANTApplications are due September 30th of the taxing yearMCA 15-16-122 allows for an alternate payment schedule to be used at the request of the owner of a primary residence, to pay a property tax obligation. Instead of paying your property taxes in two installments, you may elect to pay them in seven monthly payments between November 30th and May 31st. Download the application below. |
Tax | External website about the Alternative Payment Schedule for Primary Residences. Opens in a new tab. | File about the Alternative Payment Schedule for Primary Residences. Opens in a new tab. | |
Adult Sports Programs |
Softball, Football, Basketball, and Volleyball |
Parks & Recreation | Web page about the Adult Sports Programs. | File about the Adult Sports Programs. Opens in a new tab. | |
Map Request |
Use this form to request a custom map from the Flathead County GIS Department. Any request for public records must be made in writing per Flathead County Resolution 2414. |
GIS | External website about the Map Request. Opens in a new tab. | File about the Map Request. Opens in a new tab. | |
Veteran Directed Care Program |
The Veteran Directed Care Program (VDC) empowers Veterans to hire and supervise care providers (may be a family member) to help with daily needs. This program is a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs, who determines eligibility and establishes participant budgets. All VA enrolled veterans, regardless of age, are eligible if they meet the clinical need for the VDC program. Once approved by the VA, an Agency on Aging Care Coordinator will work with the Veteran to develop a self-directed plan of care and will provide ongoing support to manage the care plan. Call 406-758-2478 to learn more, or email: |
Agency on Aging | File about the Veteran Directed Care Program. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Annual Report / Audit Report |
The county produces an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The most recent report is for FY21. |
Finance | File about the Annual Report / Audit Report. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Budget |
The FY 2023 budget is projecting $118.5 million in revenue and a total of $115.6 million in expenditures, including a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for 551.74 full-time employees. The county continues to strive to plan for future capital needs by saving within our capital funds, budgeting $13.4 million in capital expenditures and $7.6 million in transfers to fund future capital needs. |
Finance | File about the Budget. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Homeowners Guide PDF |
A guide to provide homeowners information on how to protect your home from a Wildland Fire |
Fire Service Area | File about the Homeowners Guide PDF. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Healthy Montana Families |
Professional, trained parent educators partner with parents and/or parents-to-be to meet the needs and goals of the family, connect the family to community resources, and promote the physical and emotional health of the child and family.
Community Health | Web page about the Healthy Montana Families. | File about the Healthy Montana Families. Opens in a new tab. | |
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening |
The Montana Cancer Screening Program pays for breast and cervical cancer screenings for people who qualify based on age, income, and insurance status. Screening services include clinical breast exams, mammograms, and Pap tests. Diagnostic testing is provided for the follow-up of abnormal screening tests. We partner with local providers, which means that you can see whoever you want, and it will be just like a regular appointment. Our staff is available to guide you through the screening process, even if you do not qualify based on age, income, and insurance status. To enroll, please fill out the enrollment form, and either mail it or drop it off at the following address: Attn: Montana Cancer Screening Program |
Population Health | Web page about the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening. | File about the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening. Opens in a new tab. | |
FCAS Volunteer |
Volunteers are a vital part of FCAS. From socializing animals, encouraging positive training methods, grooming, or becoming a foster home and providing a safe haven to emotionally or medically compromised pets. Each of our volunteers becomes a member of our team on our mission to save the lives of homeless pets. Please call (406) 752-1310 to ask about our volunteer opportunities and to schedule our next volunteer orientation. |
Animal Shelter | File about the FCAS Volunteer. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Popular Annual Financial Report |
The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) is intended to increase awareness throughout the community of the financial operation of the County. As such, this report is written in a user-friendly manner that will summarize and communicate the County’s financial condition. |
Finance | File about the Popular Annual Financial Report. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Air Quality Recording |
The 2.5 PM monitor located in Columbia Falls reports air quality in near real-time. Download the PDF for activity recommendations for each air quality category. |
Environmental Health | External website about the Air Quality Recording. Opens in a new tab. | File about the Air Quality Recording. Opens in a new tab. | |
Realty Transfer Certificate |
The Realty Transfer Certificate (RTC) has been revised and is vital in determining the current ownership of water rights. All Deeds recorded in Flathead County must be accompanied by the new properly executed RTC. Currently, the new form is available only at the following link on the Department of Revenue website. |
Clerk & Recorder | File about the Realty Transfer Certificate. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Absentee Voter Registration |
In order to receive an absentee ballot, a voter must apply through the Flathead County Election Department. A voter may request a ballot for just the upcoming current election by completing an Application for Absentee Ballot and receive ballots for all elections during the current calendar year. The application must be made by noon the day before the election. |
Election | Web page about the Absentee Voter Registration. | File about the Absentee Voter Registration. Opens in a new tab. | |
Voter Registration |
Registering to vote in Flathead County is simple and quick. You may:
For regular registration, your voter registration form must be postmarked or received by the Election Department at least 30 days before the election. For late registration (anytime after the close of regular registration, until 12:00 noon the day before Election Day), you must appear in person at the Election Department up to and including election day, fill out a voter registration card, and vote a ballot that you receive from the election office staff. |
Election | Web page about the Voter Registration. | File about the Voter Registration. Opens in a new tab. | |
Encroachment Permit |
An Encroachment Permit is needed to work on the county road or to work within the County right-of-way. |
Road and Bridge | File about the Encroachment Permit. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Approach Permit |
An Approach Permit is needed for any new driveway or upgrades to an existing approach onto a county roadway. |
Road and Bridge | |||
File a Complaint |
Click the link below to access the complaint form. This form can be emailed to our office, or a hard copy can be mailed or delivered in person. Please keep in mind that a signature is required on the form for response by our office. In addition, all forms submitted become public information. |
Weeds & Parks | External website about the File a Complaint. Opens in a new tab. | File about the File a Complaint. Opens in a new tab. |
Page Last Updated: Dec 15, 2022