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Septic Permit Lookup

Find Septic Permits in Flathead County.

External website about the Septic Permit Lookup. Opens in a new tab.
Interactive Mapping Application (IMA)

Flathead County's premier source for land record information.  Search property details, view district boundaries, link to appraisal information, and download surveys of record.

External website about the Interactive Mapping Application (IMA). Opens in a new tab.
My Voter Page

Check your voting status here!


My Voter Page
Track absentee ballot
View a sample ballot


External website about the My Voter Page. Opens in a new tab.
Dust Cost Share Program

The Dust Cost Share Program is set up to share cost of dust abatement with the county and residence on qualifying county roadways.

Road and Bridge
Web page about the Dust Cost Share Program.
  • Whitefish On-Demand - 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM (Monday - Friday)
  • Whitefish Express Run leaves Kalispell at 9:00 AM and arrives at Depot Transit Center in Whitefish at 9:30 AM
  • Leaves Whitefish Depot Transit Center at 4:00 PM and arrives in Kalispell by 4:30 PM
Mountain Climber
Warrants List

This information is provided as a service and is not considered official court record. This site lists the current outstanding warrants in Flathead County, Montana.

If you have information regarding someone with a felony warrant please call (406) 752-TIPS or your local law enforcement agency. The information on this website is considered public record. The photographs on this website are informational only, and are posted in order to secure public assistance in apprehending suspected felons (44-5-103(13) (f) M.C.A.).

Sheriff’s Office
External website about the Warrants List. Opens in a new tab.
Burn Permit

Weather permitting, October 1st is the start of open burning.  Permits are required for this action.  A free burn permit can be obtained through  If you have an existing burn permit for 2023, it can be activated by calling 1-866-207-2577.

Environmental Health
Web page about the Burn Permit.
External website about the Burn Permit. Opens in a new tab.
School Closures Superintendent of Schools
Web page about the School Closures.
Tax Reminders

  Sign up to receive email or text notifications for when taxes are due.  Available for mobile home, property, and real estate tax types.

Web page about the Tax Reminders.
Rabies Control Program

The purpose of the Rabies Control Program is to conduct investigation and proper follow up for reported animal exposures and promote awareness of rabies prevention methods.

Population Health
Web page about the Rabies Control Program.

The Flathead County Sharps Program is a partnership between the Flathead City-County Health Department and the Flathead County Solid Waste Department. The program exists to promote safe and proper disposal of needles in Flathead County.

Individuals can pick up sharps containers free of charge at one of the participating pharmacies. Once filled, individuals can either return their sharps containers to the pharmacy OR dispose of them at the designated disposal site at the Flathead County Landfill. 

Population Health
Web page about the Sharps.
Bike Helmets

The Health Department currently has a limited number of bicycle helmets available on a donation basis for children 12 and under.

Population Health
Web page about the Bike Helmets.

CONNECT is a secure, web-based referral system for sending and receiving referrals that is HIPAA, FERPA, 42CFR, and IDEA compliant. The system is available at no cost to approved organizations that make client referrals. The goal of CONNECT is to reduce common barriers for external referrals and increase client uptake in services. The system closes the loop in care coordination.

Who can use the CONNECT referral system?

  • Social service agencies
  • Mental health providers
  • Senior services
  • Youth programs and activities
  • Legal services
  • Schools
  • Law enforcement
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Medical Providers
  • Agencies or organizations that provide services to families, adults, or children in the community
  • And more!
Population Health
Web page about the CONNECT.

The WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation) program was created to help women understand and reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke by providing services to promote heart-healthy lifestyles. 

Population Health
Web page about the WISEWOMAN.
Weekly Communicable Disease Report

This report provides the weekly report of communicable diseases in Flathead County.

Population Health
Web page about the Weekly Communicable Disease Report.
CISM Team Debriefing Request

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is the decision and implementation of intervention tactics to best respond to the needs of the emergency situation at hand.

This form initiates the request for a meeting that is geared to assist those dealing with the physical or psychological symptoms that are generally associated with trauma exposure. It is intended for small groups and not designed for primary victims or in a one-on-one setting.


External website about the CISM Team Debriefing Request. Opens in a new tab.

Cyber security involves protecting information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

Birth Certificates
  • Certified copies of birth certificates are available through this office for all Montana Counties.
  • Genealogy copies are available for Flathead County only.
  • A certified copy is $8.00 each, and may be obtained online or by mail.
  • Anyone requesting an informational or certified copy of a vital record must present a valid ID.
  • If additional assistance is needed, and you require a meeting with staff, please contact our offices to schedule an appointment.
Clerk & Recorder
Web page about the Birth Certificates.
Building Rental

Rent a building in the fairgrounds

Web page about the Building Rental.

Page Last Updated: Dec 15, 2022